The Banks Peninsula tree weta is an enigma. The very eastern population is relatively easy to recognise but it interbreeds with
Hemideina femorata in the central portion of the peninsula, though the progeny are apparently unable to reproduce. It is found in remnants of lowland forest especially under the bark of totara trees and old kanuka. It has even been found in fenceposts bordering forest reserves and in rocky areas within farmland. In the forest and shrublands of the peninsula's western hills lives only
Hemideina femorata. 100 km to the west in a very different, subalpine habitat of stony ground
Coriaria and
Hebe etc is a weta that is genetically very similar to
Hemideina ricta but is otherwise indistinguishable from
Hemideina maori. This raises doubts as to the real status of these three species.