Family: Tipulidae    Subfamily: Tipulinae    Tribe: Tipulini
Genus and species:

The largest tupulid in NZ. Now rare and on the endangered list though it is still to be assessed in many forests. Larvae are presumed to be present alongside clear streams in forests as adults have always been taken near...

A large species of the central North Island. The females are brachypterous and when newly emerged are swollen with eggs.

This species and its congeners are the "false cerambycids" of the forest. Their larvae burrow through wood immediately below the bark that has been softened by various fungi and store the particles within a large crop, t...

see C. albistigma.

see C. albistigma.

see C. albistigma.

There are 60+ known species of Leptotarsus, of which several are still known only by their original specimen(s). Most were collected in the 1920-30's and described soon after. Others have been found recently and ...

This appears to be a species endemic to North Canterbury.

A delicate species of the western South Island forests.

This species is fully winged in both sexes. It also flies during autumn but is much less abundant than its congeners L. tapleyi and L. zeylandiae.

A common species in Canterbury as it emerges in large numbers during early autumn. At much the same time the slightly larger males of L. zeylandiae also emerge

One of the oustanding species of cranefly, and heads a group (lunatus group) which has beautifully patterned wings and a body of gold, silver and black

The first foggy days of Autumn coincide with the mass emergence of males. They fly in the mist and drizzle. There must be millions of larvae in the soils of Christchurch where these mass flights occur yet the larvae are ...

The relatively rare species of forest streams and seepages. Widespread in both North and South Islands.

The large cranefly of the swamps in the North Island. Populations in the South Island are in dire need of revision as about 7 different forms can be recognised at present

Widespread in swamps, and exposed stream margins and seepages of Otago.